Adjective Of Quality

You are going to Learn:
1 - Adjective Of Quality - Definition
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
2 - Example Sentences
3 - Words / List
4 - Conclusion

Adjective Of Quality / Definition:

The definition is "It Describes The Quality of Noun"
Or In Easy Words We can say that it praises the Noun / Or Tell the good things about the Noun

For Example : A Beautiful Place
Beautiful 'Adjective'
Place← Noun
So In This Example Beautiful Is Adjective Of Quality Because Beautiful is telling the Quality of A Noun Which is the word (Place) Or we can also tell the word Beautiful is prasing the Place so whenever we need to show the Quality of Noun we will use it . if you still confuse i going to give you one more ex -"A Beautiful Girl" here the word Beautiful is telling us the how the girl is ok!! and still confuse !!! take another example" Ali is very handsome " Ali-> Noun , handsome->Adj (because it is telling us that ali is nice looking person) if you are liking this kinds of sentences don't worry because right after the video lectures you can find enough examples for your pratice

Video (Please Play Below) ⬇

Examples / Exercises:

  1. A rich man
  2. A beautiful place
  3. A Rich Man
  4. They Are Sweet
  5. She Is Polite
  6. We Are Healthy
  7. She Is Smart
  8. Iam Intelligent
  9. He Is Brave
  10. I Was Proud
  11. I Was Calm
  12. She Is Successful
  13. They Were Cruel
  14. He Was Generous
  15. It Is Perfect
  16. Iam Confident
  17. He Is Attractive
  18. They Will Be Thankful
  19. We Were Excited
  20. It Is Comfortable
  21. It Was Helpful For Me
  22. They Are Jealous To Me
  23. She Was Nervous
  24. We Were Disturbed
  25. We Are Disappointed
  26. That Area Was Peaceful
  27. We Were Amused
  28. They Were Cooperative
  29. Your Future Is Bright
  30. She Is Aggressive
  31. Iam Fearless
  32. My Cat Is Adorable
  33. It Is Alluring

Words / List:

  1. rich
  2. beautiful
  3. Sweet
  4. Polite
  5. Healthy
  6. Smart
  7. Intelligent
  8. Brave
  9. Proud
  10. Calm
  11. Successful
  12. Cruel
  13. Generous
  14. Perfect
  15. Confident
  16. Attractive
  17. Thankful
  18. Excited
  19. Comfortable
  20. Helpful
  21. Jealous
  22. Nervous
  23. Disturbed
  24. Disappointed
  25. Peaceful
  26. Amused
  27. Cooperative


So We Leant "Any Word Which (Defines a Noun) OR (Modify a Noun) Is Called Adjective" and we also saw what is the adjective of quality with examples. i tired my level best to teach you through Video lectures and examples and i hope you have understood but still you any problem understanding it so please contact me i would love to help you Thank you ....

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