Demonstrative Adjectives

You are going to Learn:
1 - What is a Adjective?
2 - Demonstrative Adjectives | Definition
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
3 - Demonstrative Adjectives - Words
-- This
-- That
-- These
-- Those
4 - Conclusion

Demonstrative Adjectives | Definition

  • Now We should starting learning what is a Demonstrative Adjective? Well - " We use it to show the Noun / Pronoun location / Position "

  • For Example - A car which is near to me and its also one so in order to tell others about my car I will use "This" - Ex This is my car
  • We not only have just " The - Word "This" We have 3 more words which you can see below with their usages and definitions

Demonstrative Adjectives | Words

  1. This
  2. That
  3. These
  4. Those

Video (Please Play Below) ⬇

This | Examples / Exercises:

Definition : We use This when the thing / Or the object is one and Near
  1. This book is good
  2. This car is blue
  3. This fan is white
  4. This truck is mine
  5. This mobile is expensive
  6. This is my Computer
  7. This was my laptop
  8. This is my phone
  9. This is her Laptop
  10. This is his Friend
  11. This is a Pen
  12. This is her makeup kit
  13. This is her Student
  14. This was my class
  15. This was his Computer
  16. This is your laptop
  17. This is her books
  18. This is his websites
  19. This was his Company

That | Examples / Exercises:

Definition : We use it when the thing / object is one and far
  1. That book is good
  2. That car is blue
  3. That fan is white
  4. That truck is mine
  5. That mobile is expensive
  6. That is my Computer
  7. That was my laptop
  8. That is my phone
  9. That is her Laptop
  10. That is his Friend
  11. That is a Pen
  12. That is her makeup kit
  13. That is her Student
  14. That was my class
  15. That was his Computer
  16. That is your laptop
  17. That is her books
  18. That is his websites
  19. That was his Company

These | Examples / Exercises :
Definition : We use it when the thing / object is more then one and Near

  1. These books are good
  2. These cars are blue
  3. These fans are white
  4. These trucks are mine
  5. These mobiles are expensive
  6. These are my Computers
  7. These were my laptops
  8. These are my phones
  9. These are her Laptops
  10. These are my Friends
  11. These are their offices
  12. These are her makeup kitd
  13. These are her Students
  14. These were my classes
  15. These are her books
  16. These are our websites
  17. These were hare buildings

Those | Examples / Exercises :

Definition : We use it when the thing / object is more than one and far
  1. Those books are good
  2. Those cars are blue
  3. Those fans are white
  4. Those trucks are mine
  5. Those mobiles are expensive
  6. Those are my Computers
  7. Those were my laptops
  8. Those are my phones
  9. Those are her Laptops
  10. Those are my Friends
  11. Those are their offices
  12. Those are her makeup kitd
  13. Those are her Students
  14. Those were my classes
  15. Those are her books
  16. Those are our websites
  17. Those were hare buildings


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