Future Tense Rules Examples Sentences

Future Tense

You are going to Learn:
What is Future?
1 - Usage / Definition
2 - Formula With Rules
3 - Examples / Excerises
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
4 - Simple - Sentences
5 - Negative - Sentences
6 - Interrogative - Structure
7 - Conclusion


Before we start learning this first we should know that in english grammar we have 12 tenses which are:
  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
  4. Present Continuous Tense
  5. Past Continuous Tense
  6. Future Continuous Tense
  7. Present Perfect Tense
  8. Past Perfect Tense
  9. Future Perfect Tense
  10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

What is Future?

We should first know the meaning of future - "The time after the present is called future " Let's say right now the time is 8:15pm so this is present because this is the current movement Or current time but if i say 8:25pm so this is future because the time 8:25 is after the present that's why we are calling it future

Future Tense: Usage / Definition

The Usage / Definition of future tense is
  • "An Action Which Will Happen In The Future"

Definition | Usage:

For Example: 1 - Let's say tomorrow is sunday and your friends are going to sea-view and you also want to go with them so you call them and say - "Hey i will come with you " - so this is future tense sentence

because right now you are at your home and the action (which is going to sea-View) will be happened tomorrow so in this way whenever you want to tell any action or work which will happen in the future we will use future tense
For Example: 2 - Let's say its night and iam about to sleep and someone is setting the alarm so i say please set the alarm at 7:00 am because "i will wake up early"

so in this whole sentence - "i will wake up early" - is telling us this action will be happened in the future

Formula / Rules

Till now we have understood the usages or the defintions now we should understand how to make example sentences to do that we need to see the structure Or the formula of making examples which is


Means Who or What Performs The Action. It Can Be ( He , She , it , They , You , We ) or Anyname - For Example: - He, Naveed, Computer, English


Definition "A Word Which Shows An Action Is Called Verb" - Ex: (Dance , Read , Listen , do)


In easy words object gives us the full meaning of a sentence Example: He Will Play - in this sentence we don't know what will he play in future? either football , cricket - this sentence is without object - now another Example with object -
Example No 2 : "He Will Play football" - this sentence Is with object Means (Football is an ->Object) and because we have the object (which is Football) giving us the full meaning and sense - now we know He Will Play football not cricket or anyother game
Why do we use Helping Verbs? - May be you ask yourself why do we need Helping Verb? Well the answer of this question is as you know in english grammar we have many structues so how will a person will understand which tense are you using to make this confusion clear every tense has its own helping verb so that a person can understand oh this tense you are using ok!!! in this tense we have two helping Verbs - (Will , Shall)
1) Will = It is a helping verb - We use it With Any Noun or with Any subject means there is not any exception - (For example - He Will , They will , Naveed Will)
2) Shall = Shall is also a helping verb - But we use Shall only with "I , We" - means our subject is I , We Will use it otherwise not - (For instance : I shall , We shall )

Future Tense | Sentences

We have five (5) types of sentences
  1. Simple / Affirmative
  2. Negative
  3. Interrogative
  4. Interro negative
  5. Wh Questions

1) Simple / Affirmative

Simple or Affirmative Sentences are those sentences in which we don't deny or ask question means they are totally simple - Ex: I Will eat eggs - this is the very simple why because - in this sentence iam not denying or asking question

Formula / Rules of Affirmative:

Sub + Will / Shall + Verb + object
Subject = Tells us who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which which shows action is called Verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Will = It is a helping verb - We use Will With Every Noun or every subject means there is not any exception - for example - He Will , They will
Shall = Shall is also a helping verb - We use Shall Be only with I , We - For instance : ( I shall , We shall )

Examples Sentences:

  1. I will go to School
  2. She will eat an ice-cream
  3. They will Take Dinner
  4. We will finish your work
  5. He will take a Dinner
  6. She will complete her work
  7. They will come here
  8. You will play football
  9. He will Speak English
  10. They will come late
  11. He will Write a letter
  12. He will learn Auto-Cad
  13. It will Connect
  14. She will speak English
  15. They will reject us
  16. They will buy Laptops
  17. He will eat ice-cream
  18. He will tell a lie
  19. He will listen Songs
  20. He will copy from us
  21. He will wear jeans
  22. He will take a lot of water
  23. She will Operate Computer
  24. She will Talk with him
  25. It will take time
  26. We will eat Eggs
  27. We will do exercise
  28. They will open this Shop
  29. They will record voice
  30. It will install Windows
  31. She will cook Food
  32. He will make Cake
  33. She will stop us
  34. It will kill mosquitoes
  35. He will earn money
  36. They will recite Holy Book
  37. They will come to me
  38. They will deal in Electronics
  39. He will work in Office
  40. She will take an interview
  41. He will catch fish
  42. They will love each other
  43. He will scold them
  44. He will complete his Work
  45. He will think bad about you
  46. He will cut hair
  47. He will smoke
  48. They will buy milk

2) Future Tense - Negative Sentences

We use Negative when we want to deny / or when we are not agreeing with someone and to do this we use two additional words which are - "Not" , Helping Verbs
How To Make Negative Sentences | Explanation:
  1. Not - (Not Means - No)
  2. Helping Verb - Will , Shall - Which i have explained this earlier
Please Note !!! - We can also use won't instead of Will Not - both are same But Will not is more formal - For Ex: I Will Not Cook Food OR I Won't Cook Food - Both have the same meaning but "Will not" is more better to use

Formula / Rules of Negative:

Sub + Will + not + Verb + Object
Subject = Tells us who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which which shows action is called Verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Not = By the word we can understand the word "Not" is for when not agree
Will / Shall = Are the helping verb

Negative Example Sentences

  1. I will not go to School
  2. She will not eat an ice-cream
  3. They will not Take Dinner
  4. We will not finish your work
  5. He will not take a Dinner
  6. She will not complete her work
  7. They will not come here
  8. You will not play football
  9. He will not Speak English
  10. They will not come late
  11. He will not Write a letter
  12. He will not learn Auto-Cad
  13. It will not Connect
  14. She will not speak English
  15. They will not reject us
  16. They will not buy Laptops
  17. He will not eat ice-cream
  18. He will not tell a lie
  19. He will not listen Songs
  20. He will not copy from us
  21. He will not wear jeans
  22. He will not take a lot of water
  23. She will not Operate Computer
  24. She will not Talk with him
  25. It will not take time
  26. We will not eat Eggs
  27. We will not do exercise
  28. They will not open this Shop
  29. They will not record voice
  30. It will not install Windows
  31. She will not cook Food
  32. He will not make Cake
  33. She will not stop us
  34. It will not kill mosquitoes
  35. He will not earn money
  36. They will not recite Holy Book
  37. They will not come to me
  38. They will not deal in Electronics
  39. He will not work in Office
  40. She will not take an interview
  41. He will not catch fish
  42. They will not love each other
  43. He will not scold them
  44. He will not complete his Work
  45. He will not think bad about you
  46. He will not cut hair
  47. He will not smoke
  48. They will not buy milk

3) Future Tense / Interrogative

We use Interrogative Sentences for asking question and to do this we put the helping verbs which Are (Will / Shall) at first and at the end put the question mark?

Formula / Rules of Interrogative:

Will / Shall + Subject + Verb + Object?
Subject = Tells us who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which which shows action is called Verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Will / Shall = Are the helping verb
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question

Examples Sentences:

  1. Will I go to School?
  2. Will She eat an ice-cream?
  3. Will They Take Dinner?
  4. Will We finish your work?
  5. Will He take a Dinner?
  6. Will She complete her work?
  7. Will They come here?
  8. Will You play football?
  9. Will He Speak English?
  10. Will They come late?
  11. Will He Write a letter?
  12. Will He learn Auto-Cad?
  13. Will It Connect?
  14. Will She speak English?
  15. Will They reject us?
  16. Will They buy Laptops?
  17. Will He eat ice-cream?
  18. Will He tell a lie?
  19. Will He listen Songs?
  20. Will He copy from us?
  21. Will He wear jeans?
  22. Will He take a lot of water?
  23. Will She Operate Computer?
  24. Will She Talk with him?
  25. Will It take time?
  26. Will We eat Eggs?
  27. Will We do exercise?
  28. Will They open this Shop?
  29. Will They record voice?
  30. Will It install Windows?
  31. Will She cook Food?
  32. Will He make Cake?
  33. Will She stop us?
  34. Will It kill mosquitoes?
  35. Will He earn money?
  36. Will They recite Holy Book?
  37. Will They come to me?
  38. Will They deal in Electronics?
  39. Will He work in Office?
  40. Will She take an interview?
  41. Will He catch fish?
  42. Will They love each other?
  43. Will He scold them?
  44. Will He complete his Work?
  45. Will He think bad about you?
  46. Will He cut hair?
  47. Will He smoke?
  48. Will They buy milk?

4) Future Tense / Interro-Negative

Interro-Negative is the combination of two structures first Interrogative Second Negative we use it when we want to ask both at the same time

Formula / Structure of Interro-Negative:

Will / Shall + Sub + Not + Verb + Object?
Subject = Tells us who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which which shows action is called Verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Will / Shall = Are the helping verb
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question

Examples :

  1. Will I not go to School?
  2. Will She not eat an ice-cream?
  3. Will They not Take Dinner?
  4. Will We not finish your work?
  5. Will He not take a Dinner?
  6. Will She not complete her work?
  7. Will They not come here?
  8. Will You not play football?
  9. Will He not Speak English?
  10. Will They not come late?
  11. Will He not Write a letter?
  12. Will He not learn Auto-Cad?
  13. Will It not Connect?
  14. Will She not speak English?
  15. Will They not reject us?
  16. Will They not buy Laptops?
  17. Will He not eat ice-cream?
  18. Will He not tell a lie?
  19. Will He not listen Songs?
  20. Will He not copy from us?
  21. Will He not wear jeans?
  22. Will He not take a lot of water?
  23. Will She not Operate Computer?
  24. Will She not Talk with him?
  25. Will It not take time?
  26. Will We not eat Eggs?
  27. Will We not do exercise?
  28. Will They not open this Shop?
  29. Will They not record voice?
  30. Will It not install Windows?
  31. Will She not cook Food?
  32. Will He not make Cake?
  33. Will She not stop us?
  34. Will It not kill mosquitoes?
  35. Will He not earn money?
  36. Will They not recite Holy Book?
  37. Will They not come to me?
  38. Will They not deal in Electronics?
  39. Will He not work in Office?
  40. Will She not take an interview?
  41. Will He not catch fish?
  42. Will They not love each other?
  43. Will He not scold them?
  44. Will He not complete his Work?
  45. Will He not think bad about you?
  46. Will He not cut hair?
  47. Will He not smoke?
  48. Will They not buy milk?

Video (Please Play Below) ⬇


So we have finished learning what is future tense. i tired my level best to teach you with best of the knowledge i hope you have understood but still you any problem understanding it so please contact us . Thank you ...........

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