future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous

You are going to Learn:
1 - Rules Of - Future
2 - Usage / Definition
3 - Formula / Structure
4 - Examples / Excerises
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
5 - Negative - Examples
6 - Interrogative - Structure
7 - Conclusion


Before we start learning it first we should know that in english grammar we have 12 tenses which are:
  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
  4. Present Continuous Tense
  5. Past Continuous Tense
  6. Future Continuous Tense
  7. Present Perfect Tense
  8. Past Perfect Tense
  9. Future Perfect Tense
  10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  12. Future Perfect Continuous


Before i teach you anything else first i want to tell you in english grammar we have two names for this tense
  1. Future Perfect Continuous
  2. Future Perfect Progressive
Both have the same meaning but some people call it progressive or other call it continuous. its like a nick name of person for instance when you are at home so may be your mother calls you baby , or baba or any other name but your when you come out from your home so people calls you with your real name so its means you can be called from two name ok so don't worry its easy

Rules Of - Future:

I think alot of you might don't know this rule that "One future tense can't come two times" what does it Means take a look at this Ex - "I Will come then you will come"-> this sentence is totally wrong because because if we see closely then we will find this one sentence " I Will come then you will come" is made up of two sentences like (First Part Is - I Will come ) and the (Second Part Is - then you Will come ) and they are in future tense. so in order to make it right we will make one part present and the another future like "When i will come then you come" - this totally right because (first part is in future ) And The (Second Part Is In Present) ok!! so remember this

Future Perfect Continuous - Definition:

"It emphasizes the duration of action which will be in Progress before another Action in the Future"


You must be confused and thinking what does it means " It emphasizes the duration of action which will be in Progress before another Action in the Future" !!! well don't worry this happens but don't lose hope iam with you. This defintion/usage is very easy to understand and to make you understand i have examples for you which will clear your all confusions ok!!!

For: Example

"I Will have been sleeping for two hours when you come home"

In Order to understand this example we have two spilt this one sentence into three parts
"I Will have been sleeping" → This Action Will Be Continue In Future
"For Two Hours" → Showing The Duration
"When you Come" → Before another Action in the Future
Let's say my family has gone to a party and iam at home and mother calls me and ask "Naveed Still you are awaking?" then i reply to her yes mother but don't worry " When you come home I Will have been sleeping for two hours" - so its means when she will be back home (In future)- then I Will be sleeping for two hours

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Future Perfect Continuous : Structure

Till now we have understood the usages or the defintions of Future Perfect Continuous. now we should understand how to make example sentences to do that we need to see the structure of making examples which is


Means Who or What Performs The Action. It Can Be ( He , She , it , They , You , We ) or Anyname - For Example: - He, Naveed, Computer, English


"A Word Which Shows An Action Is Called Verb" - Ex: (Dance , Read , Listen , do)


In easy words object gives us the full meaning of a sentence Example: He will have been playing - in this sentence we don't know what will he been playing? either football , cricket - this sentence is without object - now another Example with object -
Example No 2 : He will have playing football - this sentence with object (means Football) and giving us the full meaning and sense
Why do we use Helping Verbs? - May be you ask yourself why do we need Helping Verb Well the simplest answer of this question is as you know in english grammar we have many structues so how will a person will understand which tense are you using to make this confusion clear every tense has its own helping verb so that a person can understand oh this tense you are using ok!!! in this tense we have two helping Verbs - (Will have Been , Shall Have Been)
Will Have Been = With Any Noun ex:They,We,I,You Etc
Since = Starting Point Of Action (You Will Understand More When you see the Examples)

Future Perfect Continuous Tense | Sentences

We have five (5) types of sentences
  1. Simple / Affirmative
  2. Negative
  3. Interrogative
  4. Interro negative
  5. Wh Questions

1) Simple / Affirmative

Simple or Affirmative sentences are those in which we don't deny or ask question means they are totally simple

Structure of Simple:

Sub + Will Have / Shall have + Been + Ving + object
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Will Have Been / Shall Have Been = Helping Verbs


  1. I Will have been working For Two Hours
  2. She will have been Sleeping Since 4
  3. They Will have been Taking Dinner Since 9 O’clock
  4. She will have been Working for 2 Days
  5. I Will have been Working for my website for 3 Years
  6. He will have been Taking a Class since 4 O’clock
  7. It will have been running Since Morning
  8. I Will have been riding a Bike Since Night
  9. You Will have been playing football for 1 hour
  10. I Will have been teaching English for 13 years
  11. We Will have been waiting for you since night
  12. She will have been dancing for 1 hour
  13. It will have been installing for 3 week
  14. It will have been starting since 1:00pm
  15. We Will have been thinking since afternoon
  16. They Will have been drinking for 20 minutes
  17. They Will have been taking Class since 1994
  18. She will have been making Cake for 3 hours
  19. He will have been operating Computer since morning
  20. He will have been trying to open the door for 2 hours
  21. She will have been watching TV
  22. We Will have been Sleeping for 1 hour
  23. I Will have been reading
  24. You Will have been memorizing
  25. She will have been beating you when she comes
  26. He will have been running for half an hour
  27. We Will have been laughing
  28. We Will have been doing fun since July
  29. We Will have been riding a bike
  30. She will have been using makeup .
  31. She will have been cleaning her room .
  32. They Will have been Working with us
  33. She will have been helping me
  34. I Will have been checking
  35. He will have been searching
  36. They Will have been developing
  37. They Will have been doing bodybuilding
  38. We Will have been living
  39. It will have been running
  40. I Will have been changing my hard drive

2) Future Perfect Continuous - Negative / Say No

We use Negative when we are not agree or deny Not – The word not is very important for denying

Formula of Negative:

Sub + Will + not + have + Been + Ving + object
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Not = By the word we can understand the word "Not" is for when not agree
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs

Examples / Excerises:

  1. I Will not have been working For Two Hours
  2. She will not have been Sleeping Since 4
  3. They Will not have been Taking Dinner Since 9 O’clock
  4. She will not have been Working for 2 Days
  5. I Will not have been Working for my website for 3 Years
  6. He will not have been Taking a Class since 4 O’clock
  7. It will not have been running Since Morning
  8. I Will not have been riding a Bike Since Night
  9. You Will not have been playing football for 1 hour
  10. I Will not have been teaching English for 13 years
  11. We Will not have been waiting for you since night
  12. She will not have been dancing for 1 hour
  13. It will not have been installing for 3 week
  14. It will not have been starting since 1:00pm
  15. We Will not have been thinking since afternoon
  16. They Will not have been drinking for 20 minutes
  17. They Will not have been taking Class since 1994
  18. She will not have been making Cake for 3 hours
  19. He will not have been operating Computer since morning
  20. He will not have been trying to open the door for 2 hours
  21. She will not have been watching TV
  22. We Will not have been Sleeping for 1 hour
  23. I Will not have been reading
  24. You Will not have been memorizing
  25. She will not have been beating you when she comes
  26. He will not have been running for half an hour
  27. We Will not have been laughing
  28. We Will not have been doing fun since July
  29. We Will not have been riding a bike
  30. She will not have been using makeup .
  31. She will not have been cleaning her room .
  32. They Will not have been Working with us
  33. She will not have been helping me
  34. I Will not have been checking
  35. He will not have been searching
  36. They Will not have been developing
  37. They Will not have been doing bodybuilding
  38. We Will not have been living
  39. It will not have been running
  40. I Will not have been changing my hard drive

3) Future Perfect Continuous / Interrogative

We use Interrogative for asking question and to do this we put the helping verb which is (did) at first and at the end put the question mark?

Formula of Interrogative:

Will + Sub + Have + Been + Ving + object?
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question


  1. Will I have been working For Two Hours . When he gets Home?
  2. Will She have been Sleeping Since 4 When he comes?
  3. Will They have been Taking Dinner in Darkness Since 9 O'Clock When light comes?
  4. Will She have been Learning for 2 Days When rain Comes?
  5. Will She have been Sleeping Since 4 when light comes?
  6. Will They have been Taking Dinner when she beats them?
  7. Will She have been Working when I ask them?
  8. Will I have been Working for my website when visitor visit my Website?
  9. Will He have been Taking a Class since 4 O'Clock when the bell rings?
  10. Will They have been Speaking English for 2 hours . When their match starts?
  11. Will It have been Operating Computer Since Morning . When Electricity comes?
  12. Will I have been riding a Bike when She calls me?
  13. Will You have been playing football for 1 hour . When he gets put?

4) Future Perfect Continuous / Interro-Negative

Interro-Negative is the combination of two structures first Interrogative Second Negative we use it when we want to ask both at the same time

Formula of Interro-Negative:

Will + Sub + not + Have + Been + Ving + object?
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question

Examples / Excerises

  1. Will I not have been working For Two Hours . When he gets Home?
  2. Will She not have been Sleeping Since 4 When he comes?
  3. Will They not have been Taking Dinner in Darkness Since 9 O'Clock When light comes?
  4. Will She not have been Learning for 2 Days When rain Comes?
  5. Will She not have been Sleeping Since 4 when light comes?
  6. Will They not have been Taking Dinner when she beats them?
  7. Will She not have been Working when I ask them?
  8. Will I not have been Working for my website when visitor visit my Website?
  9. Will He not have been Taking a Class since 4 O'Clock when the bell rings?
  10. Will They not have been Speaking English for 2 hours . When their match starts?
  11. Will It not have been Operating Computer Since Morning . When Electricity comes?
  12. Will I not have been riding a Bike when She calls me?
  13. Will You not have been playing football for 1 hour . When he gets put?


So we have finished learning Future Perfect Continuous Tense i tired my level best to teach you through examples and i hope you have understood but still you any problem understanding it so please contact us we would love to help you Thank you ....

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