Future Perfect

Future Perfect

You are going to Learn:
Future Perfect - Definition
1 - Formula / Structure
2 - Excerises - Sentences
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
3 - Negative - Examples
4 - Interro - Sentences
5 - Conclusion


Before we start learning this tense first we should know that in english grammar we have 12 tenses which are:
  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
  4. Present Continuous Tense
  5. Past Continuous Tense
  6. Future Continuous Tense
  7. Present Perfect Tense
  8. Past Perfect Tense
  9. Future Perfect Tense
  10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect - Definition / Usage :

The Formal - Definition / Usage Is - "An Action Which Will Be Completed By A Certain Time In Future"


You must be confused and thinking what does it "An Action Which Will Be Completed By A Certain Time In Future" !!! well don't worry when iam teaching. this defintion/usage is very easy to understand and to make you understand i have examples for you which will clear your all confusions ok!!!
Example No 1: "She Will have finished her Diploma before the age of 21"
This Setence is talking about the future - lets say right now she is 20 years old and doing computer diploma Form (XYZ) institute now her father asks her "daughter how long will your diploma take to complete" - so she answers that my respectable father right iam 20 years old and it

will take one year to complete and then she uses Future Perfect that - "Don't worry papa before the age of 21 my diploma will be completed" so whenever we want to tell a work which will be complete in future at certain time (Which in this case work is = Diploma , Certain Time is 21 years )
Example No 2: "I Will Have Finished Your Work On Wednesday"
Let's say you are in a furniture market because you need a bed and a cupboard now you meet with the carpenter and you see the cupboards and then you finalize one then you ask him the time Like "Mr Y how long will you take to make new one" because today is monday and i want this within two days then he answers using future perfect - "Don't" worry because your work will be finished on wednesday ok!!

- This sentence is telling us the work (which is making cupboard) will be completed by a certain time means (Today is monday and within (2) two days) in future carpenter will complete the work

Video (Please Play Below) ⬇

Structure / Formula:

Till now we have understood the usages or the defintions of Future Perfect . now we should understand how to make example sentences to do that we need to see the structure of making examples which is


Means Who or What Performs The Action. It Can Be ( He , She , it , They , You , We ) or Anyname - For Example: - He, Naveed, Computer, English
Why do we use Helping Verbs? - May be you ask yourself why do we need Helping Verb Well the simplest answer of this question is as you know in english grammar we have many structues so how will a person will understand which tense are you using to make this confusion clear every tense has its own helping verb so that a person can understand oh this tense you are using ok!!! in this tense we have two helping Verbs - (Will Have , Shall Have)
1) Will have = is a helping verb -We use it With Any Noun or with Any subject means there is not any exception - (For example - He Will Have , They will Have , Naveed Will Have)
2) Shall have = is also a helping verb - But we use Shall only with "I , We" - means our subject is I , We (For instance : I shall Have , We shall Have )


"A Word Which Shows An Action Is Called Verb" - Ex: (Dance , Read , Listen , do)


In easy words object gives us the full meaning of a sentence Example: He will have played - in this sentence we don't know what will he have played either football , cricket - this sentence is without object - now another Example with object -
Example No 2 : He will have played football - this sentence with object(Means Football) and giving us the full meaning and sense

Future Perfect | Sentences

We have five (5) types of sentences
  1. Simple / Affirmative
  2. Negative
  3. Interrogative
  4. Interro negative

1) Simple / Affirmative

Simple or Affirmative sentences are those in which we don't deny or ask question means they are totally simple

Structure / Formula of Simple:

Sub + Will Have / Shall Have + V3rd + Object
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = It gives us the full meaning of a sentence
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs

Examples Sentences

  1. She Will have finished her Studies before the age of 21.
  2. He Will have Completed his Work at 9:30
  3. They Will have gone to shop at 10:30
  4. They Will have Slept
  5. I Will have written a letter
  6. He Will have cooked Food
  7. They Will have Played football
  8. He Will have learnt English
  9. They Will have started Generator
  10. She Will have made changes
  11. I Will have repaired L.C.D
  12. I Will have made Tutorials
  13. They Will have implemented rules
  14. We Will have taken medicine
  15. She Will have understood the World
  16. We Will have built buildings
  17. We Will have helped poor
  18. We Will have stretched Clothes
  19. They Will have fought with enemies
  20. She Will have called them
  21. She Will have used make-up
  22. He Will have cleaned this Room
  23. We Will have celebrated independence Day
  24. We Will have gone to take him
  25. They Will have bought Milk
  26. He Will have taken Chicken
  27. He Will have earned money
  28. It Will have installed windows
  29. We Will have eaten eggs
  30. They Will have recorded voice
  31. She Will have operated Computer
  32. He Will have cooked` A Food
  33. He Will have listened Songs
  34. I Will have eaten Ice-Cream
  35. He Will have performed prayer
  36. They Will have bought Laptops
  37. They Will have caught Fishes
  38. She Will have killed mosquitoes
  39. He Will have loved Bodybuilding
  40. They Will have published my Designs
  41. He Will have started a new Business
  42. He Will have ruled the country
  43. They Will have shown aeroplanes
  44. She Will have Stolen Petrol

2) Future Perfect - Negative / Say No

We use Negative when we are not agree or deny Not – The word not is very important for denying

Structure / Formula of Negative:

Sub + Will Have / Shall Have + Not + V (3 Form of Verb) + Object
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Not = By the word we can understand the word "Not" is for when not agree
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs

Examples Sentences:

  1. She will not have finished her Studies before the age of 21.
  2. He will not have Completed his Work at 9:30
  3. They will not have gone to shop at 10:30
  4. They will not have Slept
  5. I will not have written a letter
  6. He will not have cooked Food
  7. They will not have Played football
  8. He will not have learnt English
  9. They will not have started Generator
  10. She will not have made changes
  11. I will not have repaired L.C.D
  12. I will not have made Tutorials
  13. They will not have implemented rules
  14. We will not have taken medicine
  15. She will not have understood the World
  16. We will not have built buildings
  17. We will not have helped poor
  18. We will not have stretched Clothes
  19. They will not have fought with enemies
  20. She will not have called them
  21. She will not have used make-up
  22. He will not have cleaned this Room
  23. We will not have celebrated independence Day
  24. We will not have gone to take him
  25. They will not have bought Milk
  26. He will not have taken Chicken
  27. He will not have earned money
  28. It will not have installed windows
  29. We will not have eaten eggs
  30. They will not have recorded voice
  31. She will not have operated Computer
  32. He will not have cooked` A Food
  33. He will not have listened Songs
  34. I will not have eaten Ice-Cream
  35. He will not have performed prayer
  36. They will not have bought Laptops
  37. They will not have caught Fishes
  38. She will not have killed mosquitoes
  39. He will not have loved Bodybuilding
  40. They will not have published my Designs
  41. He will not have started a new Business
  42. He will not have ruled the country
  43. They will not have shown aeroplanes
  44. She will not have Stolen Petrol

3) Future Perfect / Interrogative

We use Interrogative for asking question and to do this we put the helping verb which is (did) at first and at the end put the question mark?

Structure / Formula of Interrogative

Will Have / Shall Have + Sub + V (3 Form of Verb) + Object?
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question

Examples Sentences

  1. Will I have written a letter ?
  2. Will He have cooked Food?
  3. Will They have Played football?
  4. Will He have learnt English?
  5. Will They have started Generator?
  6. Will She have made changes?
  7. Will I have repaired L.C.D?
  8. Will I Will have made Tutorials?
  9. Will They have implemented rules?
  10. Will We have taken medicine?
  11. Will She Will have understood the World?
  12. Will We have built buildings?
  13. Will We have helped poor?
  14. Will They have fought with enemies?
  15. Will She have called them?
  16. Will She have used make-up?
  17. Will He have cleaned this Room?
  18. Will We have celebrated independence Day?
  19. Will We have gone to take him?
  20. Will They have bought Milk?
  21. Will He have taken Chicken?
  22. Will He have earned money?
  23. Will It have installed windows?
  24. Will We have eaten eggs?
  25. Will They have recorded voice?
  26. Will She have operated Computer?
  27. Will He have listened Songs?
  28. Will I have eaten Ice-Cream?
  29. Will He Will have performed prayer?
  30. Will They have bought Laptops?
  31. Will They Will have caught Fishes?
  32. Will She have killed mosquitoes?
  33. Will He have loved Bodybuilding?
  34. Will They have published my Designs?
  35. Will He Will have started a new Business?
  36. Will He have ruled the country?
  37. Will They have shown aeroplanes?
  38. Will She have Stolen Petrol?

4) Future Perfect / Interro-Negative

Interro-Negative is the combination of two structures first Interrogative Second Negative we use it when we want to ask both at the same time

Structure / Formula of Interro-Negative:

Will Have / Shall Have + Sub + not + V3 + object?
Subject = Means Who or what perform the action
Verb = A word which is used to indicate the act is called verb
Object = Object is noun or pronoun and tell the meaning of preposition
Will Have / Shall Have = Helping Verbs
Question Mark? = We put question mark? at the end of every Interrogative sentence so that it looks like it is Question

Examples Sentences

  1. Will I not have written a letter ?
  2. Will He not have cooked Food?
  3. Will They not have Played football?
  4. Will He not have learnt English?
  5. Will They not have started Generator?
  6. Will She not have made changes?
  7. Will I not have repaired L.C.D?
  8. Will I Will not have made Tutorials?
  9. Will They not have implemented rules?
  10. Will We not have taken medicine?
  11. Will She Will not have understood the World?
  12. Will We not have built buildings?
  13. Will We not have helped poor?
  14. Will They not have fought with enemies?
  15. Will She not have called them?
  16. Will She not have used make-up?
  17. Will He not have cleaned this Room?
  18. Will We not have celebrated independence Day?
  19. Will We not have gone to take him?
  20. Will They not have bought Milk?
  21. Will He not have taken Chicken?
  22. Will He not have earned money?
  23. Will It not have installed windows?
  24. Will We not have eaten eggs?
  25. Will They not have recorded voice?
  26. Will She not have operated Computer?
  27. Will He not have listened Songs?
  28. Will I not have eaten Ice-Cream?
  29. Will He Will not have performed prayer?
  30. Will They not have bought Laptops?
  31. Will They Will not have caught Fishes?
  32. Will She not have killed mosquitoes?
  33. Will He not have loved Bodybuilding?
  34. Will They not have published my Designs?
  35. Will He Will not have started a new Business?
  36. Will He not have ruled the country?
  37. Will They not have shown aeroplanes?
  38. Will She not have Stolen Petrol?


So we have finished learning Future Perfect i tired my level best to teach you through definitions, pictures and examples and i hope you have understood but still you any problem understanding it so please contact us we would love to help you Thank you ....

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