Adverbs of Certainty

You are going to Learn:
1 - Adverbs Of Certainty | Definition
---Video---- Guide For You⬇
2 - Adverbs Of Certainty | Examples
3 - Conclusion

Adverbs Of Certainty - Definition:

  • Before i start teaching you what is an adverbs of Certainty i would like to ask you Do you know what is an adverb? if not then please !!! first understand what is an adverb by just clicking on this Adverb link . This link will reach to the page where in detail i have explained everything but if you already have an idea or just want to know the basics then you can continue
  • The Definition of Adverbs of Certainty Is - It Expresses The Level Of Certainity
  • In order to show the Certainity we use these words
  • [ Surely , Certainly , Undoubtedly , Probably ] Etc
For Example : Surely You are playing football
In the above example sentence Surely is the adverbs of Certainty because it is showing us the believe that really they are playing ok . for your better understanding let me you give you one more example which is - "He is certainly a poor person" - In this sentence i have used not surely but certainly why? because in order to tell Certainity we can not only use (surely) but also certainly , Undoubtedly , And other words we can use ok now see how to use the word Undoubtedly in a sentence - > Undoubtedly He is a very good teacher you can use this we any body question from you about a teacher like - > How is this teacher then you can give the answer Undoubtedly He is a very good teacher - thats why i never miss his class . i hope the defintion clears all of your confusions and if not then right after the video lectures you can find plenty of examples

Video (Please Play Below) ⬇

Adverbs Of Certanity

| Examples |

  1. He is certainly right
  2. Surely She is saying right
  3. Surely I am going to School
  4. Surely She is eating an ice-cream
  5. Surely They are taking a Dinner
  6. Surely We are finishing our work
  7. Surely He are attending the English Language Class
  8. Surely He is taking a Dinner
  9. Surely She is completing her work
  10. Surely They is coming here
  11. Surely You are playing football
  12. Surely We are learning English
  13. Surely I am teaching English
  14. Surely We are waiting for you
  15. Surely She is dancing
  16. Surely It is installing
  17. Surely It is starting
  18. Surely We are thinking
  19. Surely They are drinking
  20. Surely They are taking Classes
  21. Surely She is making Cake
  22. Surely He is operating Computer
  23. Surely He is opening the door
  24. Surely She is watching TV
  25. Surely She is washing dishes
  26. Surely We are Sleeping
  27. Surely You are seeing me
  28. Surely I am reading a book
  29. Surely She is beating
  30. Surely He is running
  31. Surely We are laughing
  32. we are certainly doing fun
  33. I am Certainly closing a door
  34. Certainly We are riding a bike
  35. She is Certainly doing make-up
  36. She is Certainly cleaning her room
  37. Certainly They are Working with us
  38. Certainly She is helping me
  39. Certainly They have forgotten him
  40. Certainly I am checking
  41. Surely He is searching
  42. Surely They are developing
  43. Surely She is inventing
  44. Surely We are living
  45. It Certainly is running
  46. Surely I am changing my hard drive
  47. Surely He and you are destroying life


Ohh!!! finished i tired my level best to teach you adverbs of certainty through Video lectures and examples and i hope you have understood but still you any problem understanding it so please contact me i would love to help you Thank you ....

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