Past Continuous - Passive Voice

You Will Learn ⬇:
1 - Past Cont - Passive | Basics
2 - Formula / Structure
3 - How To Make Examples?
4 - Example Sentences
Video Guide For You⬇


  1. Now I assume you know it So let's start learning
  2. As you know Normal Past Continuous Tense Structure Is - "Subject + Was / Were + V 4Th Foam + object"
  3. In Passive Voice The Subject comes at last
  4. And Object Comes First Therefore the Structure of Past Continuous - Passive Voice is ⬇

Formula / Structure:

Object + Was/Were + Being +3rdVerb


Means (This is the Subject of Passive) Like I , We , They , Or Any Name "Naveed"

Was / Were - [Helping Verbs]:

- Was = Was is a helping verb - We use Was With Singular Ex: He, She, it or any Singular Name
- Were = Were is also a helping verb We use Were With plural Ex:We, They or any plural Name


"A Word Which Shows An Action Is Called Verb" - Ex: (Dance , Read , Listen , do)

How To Make Examples?

I Was Cooking Food - Normal Past Continuous

Steps To Make:
  1. First we take the object which in this case is food
  2. Food ...
  3. Then we use helping verbs For this tense we have Two (Was / Were) so because food is single therefore (Was) we will use
  4. Food Was Being ...
  5. Verb will come which in this sentence is - (Cook) - (Cooked)
Food Was Being Cooked - Complete !!!

Exercises / Examples:

Normal Past Continuous Examples Past Continuous Passive Voice Voice
1 - I was writing a letter --> A letter was being written by me
2 - He was cooking Food --> Food was being cooked by me
3 - They were Playing football --> Football was being played by them
4 - She was making cake --> Cake was being made by her
5 - He was learning English --> English was being learnt by him